
Logo Design

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Logo Design at a glance

By definition on Wikipedia, a logo, abbreviation of logotype, is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design or include the text of the name it represents as in a wordmark. Since a logo is the visual entity signifying an organization, logo design is an important area of graphic design.

Logo Design at best prices

The design of logos and their incorporation in a visual identity system is one of the most difficult and important areas of graphic design. Your logo says a lot about your brand. If it looks good, it leaves a good impression on your potential customers. If it looks bad, it could leave a bad impression, even if your products or services are top-notch. But how do you create logos that can launch your brand on the right foot? You need not look any further! We at Code Counter have in-house professionals ready to create a logo customised to the needs of your business without any hassle.


Logo making and designs have been on the upward move lately especially for some top companies who have stand out by the impressions they offer through their logo. Logo making had already begun to get a lot neater in presentation and this trend is going to advance with much speed in this year 2018. Mastercard, for example, projected a much hotter impression with their overhyped 20-year-old logo sometimes ago. The company moved to a much neater look by using a combination mark with the word “Mastercard” just inside the red and yellow spheres. With the world’s top search engine, Google, getting levelled up with the sophisticated rebranding of their logo, you can be convinced that something big is in for the world of logo designs. This company rebranded its logotype by getting rid of every hint of serifs and replacing it with san serif fonts. Their current logotype is therefore now more modern, sleeker, and much more appealing to people.

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